domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Look at the camera and smile >>> :)

The current city is exposed us as a living that, although designed by and for the man, is distinguished by its obvious dehumanization. The urban mass, suitable breeding ground for the instincts, vanishes differences between individuals that are confused with each other, immersing in the repetition of a daily activity that drown them. Do not you think as if this lonely crowd lacked commitment in the contact with their peers? The logical consequence of all this process originate an overwhelming sense of abandonment and helplessness culminating existential voids. The mentality and values ​​accepted and imitated by the crowd in particular, and society in general, have been marked by a group of "powerful", constituting the human being as purely economic objectives, which further contributes to the spiritual insignificance. Ferreous subjugation to consumerism, to possession and an anonymous authority established by public opinion that pulling the strings that defines the behavior of a subject devoid of his own self, base of every free man.
Why only  the "mad" looks at the camera and smiles? Maybe when the modern man  reachs the necessary freedom to discharge him from the imperative  "be  owner of things" as the only way to happiness, understand that through the personal realization will achieve the full affirmation of him unique carácter as an individual and the utmost respect for the uniqueness of his own self, as well as others.


  • Strauss, Leo: La cuidad y el hombre. Katz Editores. 2005
  • Cueto, Juan: La sociedad de consumo de masas. Salvat. Barcelona. 1982.
  • Erving, Goffman: La presentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana. Amorrorrtu editores. Buenos Aires. 1993

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